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AASAKTHI: (శీర్షిక లేదు)
sowmyawrites .... » TechExperiences: Computing for global development…..
I was reading this report: “Computing for Global Development -Is it Computer Science Research?” a few minutes back. Thought it was an interesting article – with some questions to ponder upon.
There are few things that captured my attention:
1. “ICTD also poses new research challenges for systems and networking researchers, given the unique constraints of applications e.g., there have been several streams of work in long-distance WiFi to connect remote rural villages to urban centers or the Internet..”
- Hmm, that left me wondering for a while – in what way will stuff like computer vision or robotics or language engineering will be posed new challenges specific to ICTD? I mean, as it will be discussed further down in the paper, as well as in my blog : What research challenges are specific to these areas…and ICTD put together? Do those challenges remain challenges even outside ICTD – i.e., does solving them ICTD imply solving a hitherto unsolved problem in those areas, in general?
2. “ICTD research not only impacts global development, but can also advance “traditional” computer science. Two examples that come to mind are WildNet and HashCache. Although motivated by applications in developing regions,these works fundamentally changed our view ….”
-Hmm..pretty interesting to know about HashCache and WildNet…. Well, I did not know of them before, so, can’t comment more until I read about them
3. “ICTD is thoroughly interdisciplinary…. One issue with interdisciplinary work is that problems seen to be legitimate, even crucial, to the area often don’t contain enough research content in any one area to satisfy the contributing disciplines. Also, even if there is enough research content in one area, solving that part of the problem may be only a small portion of the larger problem being addressed. As is the case with some work in systems research, its not clear that a core technical contribution is really valuable without building the whole system. Unlike systems research, however,the whole system might include non-technical components requiring social, cultural, economic, and political efforts, as well.”
-I felt this is a very important observation. Well presented too.
4. “Third, ICTD like some other application sub fields lacks a clear definition of generic technical issues within a well circumscribed context. Just in agriculture applications, there are networking problems (e.g., connecting remote villages to urban experts), speech problems (e.g., for building a Q&A system in multiple dialects), information-retrieval problems (e.g., permitting cross-lingual, geography-relevant database queries), computer-vision problems (e.g., diagnosing diseased crops via photographs), and so on.”
-Which is where I get back to my doubts raise at point 1. From the examples given here, the problems are generally problems in those areas. However, theres another possibility – these problems are not unsolved problems in the respective areas – but there are more of engineering issues involved. Hmm, this particular part of the paper reminds me of my thoughts on sitting through the “e-sagu” talks and wondering – whats so much of research in this project (That was long back and I understood it better later)
5. “Ironically, ICTD is struggling to establish itself within a field that has itself had a history of struggling to establish itself, namely computer science.”
- Irony! It was a very interesting section – this section 3.1 – “Acceptance of applied science”. However, my doubt is this : Why should it be accepted as a sub area of computer science? Why not science in general?
I mean – instead of applied computer science, why not applied science, as mentioned in the section title?
6.” It’s surprisingly difficult to find hard, technical problems that are unique to ICTD { often, the technical challenges are generic computer science research problems (e.g., better speech recognition). The portion that is relevant for ICTD is often limited to adaptation (e.g., what’s the best way to train speech recognition engines quickly in local dialects?). It’s not that challenging technical problems don’t exist in
ICTD, it’s that they’re often not obvious.”
-It goes back to 1 again Hmm, so, perhaps, ICTD researchers always keep thinking about this issue, then
- I found the first part of this paper to be very readable (Until Section 3.1) – with interesting points raised. The rest of it – is not really my kind of stuff – its for an older audience I guess
It helped me get a better overview of the “ICTD as Computer Science Research” – question, though.
The report can be read here.
sowmyawrites .... » TechExperiences: Word games as experimental linguistics
Frankly speaking, I have no clue what “experimental linguistics” is supposed to mean. I have no idea even after reading through this document. But, despite that, I found this paper to be a very interesting read.
Well, when I began this paper, I imagined “word games” to mean something more broader in sense than what is mentioned here. Let me prepare you all – this paper basically talks about the “PigLatin” kinda word games and not “scrabble” kinda games or other such things.
So, read a bit on PigLatin? Proceed further now.
Actually, I am new to PigLatin and this paper has some nice examples to explain what it is. So, I proceeded ahead. So, there are a few surprises that PigLatin can throw at you – expect the unexpected sorta confrontations. Using such cases, the author tries to explain how language word games can be used to get some insights on the syllabic structure and working of a language.
There are two case studies, with word games from two other languages called: Awara (Yes, its the name!!) – from Papua new guinea and Komo – from Congo. Both the case studies helped the linguists get a better understanding on how language worked and how people worked with the language.
It was all pretty interesting to read. Only that, it left me wondering about such experiments with Indian languages. I don’t even know if there are this kind of games in our languages, which will help understand the structure of the language. Surely, there are a lot of games to “learn” the language but, are there any to “understand” its working?
As I write this – I wonder how these kind of experiments work for “invented languages” The working of these languages is theoritically laid down by their makers. How about verifying them experimentally?
“Experimental Linguistics” – Literally!!
Heres the link to this report.
Author: Michael Cahill
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Raju Sykam: ISRO loses communication with chandrayaan-1 spacecraft [NEWS]

ISRO loses communication with chandrayaan-1
The Radio communication with Chandrayaan-1 was abruptly lost after friday (28 Aug 2009 ) midnight at 0130 Hrs (IST) on Saturday. ISRO scientists are reviewing the telemetry data received from the spacecraft before losing communication to analyse the health of sub-systems of spacecraft.
AS per earlier news for ISRO, though Chandrayaan-1 has achieved 90 per cent of his task and there is no major worry as such..this is a serious one. and they are working hard to rectify the problem.
About Chandrayaan-1:
Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft was launched from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota on October 22, 2008 .The Spacecraft has completed 312 days in orbit making more than 3400 orbits around the Moon and providing large volume of data from sophisticated sensors like Terrain Mapping Camera, Hyper-spectral Imager, Moon Mineralogy Mapper etc., meeting most of the scientific objectives of the mission.
Second time in its life:
This is the second time that chandrayaan is running into trouble. month back it developed a snag when it lost one of its sensors which forced ISRO to push its orbit from 100 kilometers to 200 kilometers from the moon’s surface. The change in orbit meant the data would be of lower quality.
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Raju Sykam: Create Funny photos with your photo [FUN]
I would like to show you some of my new photos.

me, Raju Sykam Mega StarRaju Sykam

me on Glamour Magazine

me, Raju Sykam on magazine in a girls hand

why girls are crazy about me, Raju Sykam with girls

Coin released with my picture

Raju Sykam's album
All these photos are done with Online Funny Photo create websites. Let me tell you the real thing.
1. Fun Photo Box is a free online service website for adding special live effects using your photo. With this, you can realistic animations, magazine covers, e-cards and more. 120 High quality templates (both static and animation) templates are there.
2. Photo Funia is one more site for adding lively funny effects to your photo. Photo Funia uses intelligent face detection technology.
so, burn your creativity.
and post your creations here. me, and my readers love to see your work.
Krishna Koney's Professional Time: (శీర్షిక లేదు)
Naresh: Fedora 11 64-bit Final on Macbook Pro 4,1
Technology News, Tips and Tricks: Bing.com: Microsoft’s new search engine
All these days I was quite busy and am a bit late in updating myself with the latest happenings.
Bing.com seems to have been launched for public by microsoft. This looks promising and the search results also seems to be as good as Google. Need to see if it can emerge as a Google competitor.
Technology News, Tips and Tricks: DocFetcher: Local Document Search Engine for you PC
DocFetcher is an Open Source desktop search application: It allows you to quickly access documents on your computer by
typing keywords. You can think of it as Google for your local document repository.
How is different desktop search applications such as Google Desktop:
- First, it defaults to indexing only what you need, not to indexing the entire harddrive.
- Second, it indexes documents only – pictures, music, videos, etc. are omitted.
More details and download here:
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